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A Little Info About My Poetry Over 25 poems about losing a sibling and saying goodbye, To feeling as if you're at a breaking point but still going forward. Growing up I always felt alone. As if my situation was only mine and mine alone. But as i grew older i realized there were a lot more people that I could have ever imagined that have gone through struggles and been on their knees with defeat. So I hope my poetry helps others to get through the dark times. Stay strong humble &kind
So ive been writing for a few years now. It really helps me keep my mind clear. I'm 28 native american and i aged out of the foster care system. I recently lost a few close relatives over the past few years which helped start my writing career. I lost my brother in 2022 and ive had writers block since then. But ive always wanted to help others and one day become a motivational speaker. I'm hoping my poetry book will help others find their way and help those that can't find any words to say.
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