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Chronically Beautiful

About book

My least favorite and un-comfy place to be is in the unknown. I’ve lived with medical challenges and I have found stability in controlling the things I can. I think we’ve all been there. I have anxiety because of everything I go through with my condition Neurofibromatosis Type 2 and I don’t believe I am alone in feeling this way. It is my hope that you find connections through my poems in this book and gain some strength in dealing with the unknowns. Keep Shining! Camille Soleil

About author

Hi, I’m Camille Soleil. I'm 26 years old and I live in the California Bay Area. I am a college graduate from the University of Utah where I majored in Human Development and Family Studies. I am a very artsy person that loves helping others. I am the oldest of three children and have two Westies. The link to my website is below, I'd love to chat.

36.69 USD

Estimated price without tax and shipping. The retail price is set by the author, who receives majority of the gross profit.


Camille Soleil

08/10/2023 05:03